Who Else Wants to Start Youtube?

I know there are a handful of people who want to start Youtube but don't want to commit to making videos or don't want to show their face on the camera. Don't worry, I was exactly like you! I hated the idea of broadcasting myself out there and showing my terrible face but I still wanted to live in this community. Well guess what, you can't have both and you've got to choose one, so I did. Sure I wrote a post about Youtube many times before but this isn't a guide or a tips page, this is a spirit-booster. So just sit back here me out on what I've got to say and maybe then, you'll decide to get started on your channel. 

What I've Noticed?

Most of the popular Youtubers today didn't start out with blogs or websites. I feel that's just an advantage for us because if we do start channels, we'll already have a few people willing to subscribe. I feel blogging is a practice run for Youtube. It's basically you talking in a video but in written form, as if you were writing a script beforehand on what to say. Your words are to guide you and, best of all, they're yours. Your personality is put into what you write, so why can't they be put into what you say? Take advantage of Youtube while it's here and get yourself out there! Get the attention of so many other readers out there that love the same things you do! 

Here, I'll make a proposition and try to win you over on making a channel. Get a camera (doesn't have to be a $600 camera, just a webcam, ipad, iphones) and try it out. The one thing I did when I was first debating whether to start videos was try shooting some videos that I wasn't going to post but to do it to see if I liked it. You can't expect yourself to post videos if you hate looking into the camera to speak. After you're done filming, take it to the computer and try doing some simple edits and play around with it until you've gotten something you like. When you're done, WATCH IT! I know I'm probably asking a lot from that but, hey doesn't mean I like watching my videos over and over either. Watching it is the only way you'll know how to learn from your trials. After that if you've found yourself really excited about making videos, then that's when you know you should continue and upload it! 

What Inspired Me? 

This post isn't coming from out of the blue. One of my super close friends who I've spent most of my middle school years with has wanted to start a channel for years and months now. I've been kind of a pusher (no, not that kind of a pusher LOL. Get ya heads out of the gutter) and telling her that she's probably going to love it when she tries it. She watches Youtube like 24/7 and who doesn't want to occupy themselves with making videos and sharing the love with millions of others? I don't want to say I full convinced her but I thought I played a huge part in pushing her to pursue this awesomeness. I want to push a ton of others to do the same because I know you'll end up loving it. If 8 months ago you would have told me that I would start a Youtube channel, I would have probably punched you and started laughing! 

The Youtube community, especially for those who want to pursue Booktube, is extremely friendly and incredible. (pstt. and anyone who's not you can just flag them lmfao. Jk!!) But for starting out Booktubers, you get so many welcomes from other Booktubers! I, myself, truly love to spread the love by going to new booktube channels and welcoming them to Booktube. That just lifts my spirits.

And if you're interested I'm leaving my homie's video here and subscribe button. She's brand new like literally started 24 hours ago. This is her first video so it's obviously not her best. She is also working on a lot of new ideas and videos OMG I'm SO FREAKING EXCITED!!! Her channel will consist of beauty videos, lifestyle vids, and like JUST FUN STUFF ALL AROUND!

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  1. I admit, I've thought about starting a Youtube channel! But I just don't think I'd have the time to commit to it, since my schedule is so busy :( Good for you for being able to maintain both a blog and a Youtube channel! Hopefully I'll be able to do it too, one day...
    ~Erika @ Books, Stars, Writing. And Everything In Between.

    1. That's so exciting and it's always nice to look forward to something. It took me a long time to get up and do it too! I have no doubt that you'd be amazing at it though!

  2. I don't think I'd ever be able to start a booktube channel as I honestly don't have the confidence to watch or let others view me on camera :/ Plus I speak really fast too! :P Still I'm glad you were able to start one and I hope that enjoy it as much as blogging :)

    Sinead @ Less Reality More Books http://lessrealitymorebooks.blogspot.ie/2015/09/review-unravel-me-by-tahereh-mafi.html?showComment=1443628901738#c6813825608078685238

    1. That's totally fine as well. OMG My parents are always telling me I speak too fast too! I always try to slow down in the videos because I know a lot of people will doze off. Thanks so much!

  3. I don't think that I can start putting up a booktube channel just because I don't have enough time to do so plus the confidence but I'm still willing to do it (someday). I'm glad you already have your channel! Keep up the good work! :D

    ~ Krissy @ krissyandhercupoftea.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks so much and I hope u grab that confidence by the throat when the time comes :D

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