Find Your Color: Instagram Tip #1

Welcome back readers! If you do not follow me on Instagram, you wouldn't know that I've been posting five photos a day on there. I've recently changed the theme of my feed around and am feeling so confident with this new bold one I've chosen to stick with! For this Instagram Tip post I've planned a very special and helpful advice that you could take if you've been struggling lately with the types of photos you want to take or have too many ideas about a feed you really want to do. Let me make things 100x easier for you! 


I find that sticking to a color scheme for Instragram posts is what really attracts me to scroll through someone's entire feed. It's nice to see some cohesion and how each post is connected by color. 


Find a color that you'll want to center every photo around, whether it be the entire background, the filter, or just one object that's common in every picture you take. I will show you some examples with my feed. Because I'm obsessed with anything mint or teal-colored, that was the color I chose. Here's how I set my entire feed around it!


Do you see the coherence behind the mint colors present in every photo?

So that's basically my interpretation of centering photos around a specific color. Please I have to stress this... CHOOSE A COLOR YOU'RE GOING TO STICK TO. If you're going to try out this method with your feed, it's not something that you just do for 8 photos, and then change it all over again after. It would no longer look coherent like that. If you're a bright and sunny person, you'd want to choose a lighter tone color like yellow or pink. Another tip for choosing the perfect color for you is choosing one color that most of the items in your house center around. I chose mint because not only is it my power color but I have a ton of things increasing and decreasing in the shades of mint and blue.

I promise promise promise with a cherry on top that it is actually easier than it looks. I know taking photos is sometimes hard and you don't want to waste money on professional equipment to make your photos good and so that people will like following you. I just took the picture with my iPhone 5 and used a bunch of editing apps. It's as simple as that and doable for anyone who just has to know the right tips and tricks for getting that perfect angle. You have to know what angles look good for the books and how you want them to face the camera.

Lighting. Lighting is a huge thing because you really want to avoid shadows and harsh, dark  fragments in your photos. The best way I can tell you to take pictures without professional lighting effects is to wake up pretty early like I'd say before noon to use the morning light to take pictures. This is the best time because you still get a decent amount of sunlight but it's not overbearing and creating a shadow to your objects. If your photo ends up looking a little darker than you'd expect it to, turn the brightness up. Play with the saturation and warmth of your photo.

Quik Tip: If you take a photo of a white background and it's looking a little bit yellow because of the sun, turn the 'warmth' towards the blue scale side/or the left and you should see the yellow almost disappear and turn white.

And finally... the outcome 

Enjoy your new feed!

Dear readers... This blog has been empty for 5 days. 5 DAYS!! That's insane because you know I post like every two or three days. I love blogging, absolutely love it! This isn't some announcement where I say I'm leaving or anything. This is just a little section where I say I'm sorry for being so MIA and that I'll catch up the posts as long as I get settled back into school. I've taken such a long break and sometimes I just don't want to go back so I have to get used to the feeling. Anyway ya'll have a great day and I hope you enjoyed the post! 

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  1. Great post Alex!!! I love Mint Green too haha

  2. I love this, Alex! Just discovered your site and it's all very coherent and well done. What great advice for Instagram users! I just had someone telling me this concept recently and I can really see you utilizing it well. :)

    Ciera @ The Write Things

    1. OMG thanks so much :D Yes I absolutely am sticking to this concept for a while since it's so awesome!!

  3. These are great tips! I absolutely LOVE your feed, mint colors are so pretty :D


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