The Reckoners Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson

Title: Steelheart 
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Pages: 386 pages
Published: September 24th, 2013 
Genre: YA Dystopian, Science Fiction  
Ten years ago, Calamity came. It was a burst in the sky that gave ordinary men and women extraordinary powers. The awed public started calling them Epics. But Epics are no friend of man. With incredible gifts came the desire to rule. And to rule man you must crush his wills. 

Nobody fights the Epics... nobody but the Reckoners. A shadowy group of ordinary humans, they spend their lives studying Epics, finding their weaknesses, and then assassinating them. 

And David wants in. He wants Steelheart- the Epic who is said to be invincible. The Epic who killed David's father. For years, like the Reckoners, David's been studying, and planning- and he has something they need. Not an object, but an experience. 

He's seen Steelheart bleed. And he wants revenge.

Buy it now! 

Title: Firefight
Author: Brandon Sanderson
Pages: 432 pages
Published: January 6th, 2015
Genre: YA Dystopian, Science Fiction
**Do not attempt to read this synopsis if you don't want to be spoiled for the second book**
They told David it was impossible-- that even the Reckoners had never killed a High Epic. Yet, Steelheart-- invincible, immortal, unconquerable-- is dead. And he died by David's hand. 

Eliminating Steelheart was supposed to make life more simple. Instead, it only made David realize he has questions. Big ones. And there's no one in Newcago who can give him the answers he needs. 

Babylon Restored, the old borough of Manhattan, has possiblities, though. Ruled by the mysterious High Epic, Regalia, David sure Babylon Restored will lead him to what he needs to finds. And while entering another city oppressed by a High Epic despot is a gamble, David's willing to risk it. Because killing Steelheart left a hole in David's heart. A hole where his thirst for vengeance once lived. Somehow, he filled that hole with another Epic-- Firefight. And he's willing to go on a quest darker, and more dangerous even, than the fight against Steelheart to find her, and to get his answers. 

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If you want a quick, non-spoilery summary of this entire series so far, here it is: A burst in the sky known as Calamity has all but destroyed the world, giving ordinary men and women these supernatural powers and are called Epics. But with great power, comes the desire for even more power and the desire to rule. This world is conflicted with this desire as the most powerful Epic, Steelheart, comes into play. With powers of turning things into steel he is practically invincible and cannot be killed and has taken over the area of Newcago. David, our main protagonist, has a personal vendetta against Steelheart and plans to take him down by any means necessary, even it means joining a band of rebels called the Reckoners. Together, he and the Reckoners attempt to kill Steelheart. It might be impossible but David has seen something.. seen Steelheart bleed.

BRANDON SANDERSON COULD BE JUST INCHING HIS WAY AS MY FAVORITE AUTHOR OF 2015. If you've been literally dying to get your hands on a fast-paced, dystopian, science-fiction book that is dark and gripping, you better check out the Reckoners trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I feel like people don't talk about him enough on the Booktuber and Blogging world, which should really be changed because I've evidently fallen in love with his writing in two books! YES TWO BOOKS! These are the only two books I've read by him!

What's so good about this series, you ask? I will name the top aspect of this book that really made me jump out of my seat and practically wet myself. Two words: The World-Building. Sanderson's world-building is so freaking amazing... I have no words. He literally creates these brand new worlds and gives us these new systems. For example, he created this world with superhuman beings called Epics. He executed a new system for these Epics so flawlessly and smoothly. Epics had weaknesses, some Epics were more powerful than others, and only some Epics could gift humans their powers. He  followed these rules throughout book 2 with such consistency. It was so damn beautiful!

You will immediately fall in love with his writing because it's so easy to get into. He makes his stories interesting, as well. And no, don't think I'm just interested in this book because of the amazing plot, his writing was just soo soo sophisticated and developed.

The amount of plot twists that are in this series... I can't even count with my fingers and toes. Sanderson will keep you on a never ending roller-coaster ride with this series, which is what I completely wanted! In books I look for unique and ingenious plot twists that make me go back a few pages and be like "Oooohhh yeaaahh". This book wasn't at all predictable, and I know that's some of the issues I've had while reading previous Dystopia novels.  

Where would readers be without Brandon Sanderson? I don't even know! How have I survived this long without reading one of his books in the past? As of now it my mission to read every one of Sanderson's works. The mission is real! #struggle #thefeelstrain #choochoo No, this is not me fangirling! No, this is not me promoting books for a tour or author! This is, legit me, trying to introduce you to one of the best series I've ever read because I know you're coming to my blog for advice on what to read. 

And then I'm on the last page of the book, it says.... Calamity Spring 2016. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? Finish the book. Finish the book. I'm dying of anticipation? can't you see my pain? Is it not deep enough for you??? *cries* I'm going to leave before I start crying again because the next book doesn't come out till next year, but I 1000000% recommend this series, so start it now! Now I know I haven't been doing as many deep and intriguing reviews as I should be, but I hope this review makes up for that! 

Watch my recent Book talk video here! 

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  1. Before this post, I had never heard of the Reckoners trilogy. The books sound awesome though, and I'm glad you enjoyed the series! I mean... dystopian with superpowers... YES PLEASE. I'm glad the world building was adequate, because I have read way to many books where the background is completely underdeveloped and I had no real idea what was going on. (I would hope to be one of the humans an Epic gifted a superpower to. I could go for some superpowers right now.) Thanks for sharing, Steelheart and Firefight are going on the TBR:)

    Claire @ Cover to Cover

    1. I'm glad I've encouraged you to start this trilogy. YAY Can't wait to hear about what you think!

  2. Technically on facebook he said he is done with Calamity it is just currently going through edits lol, but I know what you are going through. I need the next book now! I read this series with my boyfriend so I have someone to talk and discuss about the books. I hope in the next book that we may even get to see another city. Have you read the short story Mitosis?

    1. Ohh hes done? That's making me even more excited. I haven't read Mitosis yet because I heard it was only for Kindle. I've been on the lookout for the paperback copy of the book so I could add it to my collection of 'Sanderson Books'

      Also there were new covers for the first two books in the series, and I just immediately bought them because they were so damn beautiful C'mon girl, let's fangirl about The Reckoners series together :D

  3. I'm so happy you like this series! I've read a bunch of Sanderson's books and he's really consistent. I haven't read this series yet but I'll be sure to do so as soon as I can. I really agree with what you said about Sanderson's worldbuilding. In his other trilogy, the Mistborn series, the world is one of the coolest I've ever read. I'm sure you've heard a lot about it because, for some reason, the YA book blogging community seems to have accepted Sanderson as one of their own. In my opinion, his best book is without a doubt The Way Of Kings, It's one of the best fantasy books I've read and everything about it is close to perfect. However, it is 1000 pages long so maybe if you want to read more Sanderson stick to the Mistborn first (which, if you do read them, they have the greatest magic system ever).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Now i need to start Way of Kings ;)

      I'm so thrilled that you have interest in starting this trilogy. Can't wait to hear your thoughts! Brandon Sanderson is a master :D

  4. I hadn't heard much about this until I saw your review and youtube video, but now I'm really excited to check it out!

    Most recent post on Enchanted by YA:

  5. I liked your review came on this by chance as I was publishing my review for Firefight. I had already read 5 or so Brandon Sanderson books before I came to The Reckoners. Glad you enjoyed it always nice to see a fellow fan of a book series around. Anyway you can check out my review of Firefight here if you want.

    1. Hahah same here. it's so nice to see someone else that has loved Brandon Sanderson before! Gonna check out ur site now :D

  6. I did a review of STEELHEART also added you to my blogroll, you have a very well structured site hope you like this.

    1. Thanks for the complements. I"m definitely going over to check out your review!


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