Title: Imogen and ISIS: A Story of Terrorism and Manhattan Apartment Rents
Author: Jack Mauro
Genre: Fiction, Dark Comedy
A modern and dark comedy combining one woman's struggle to live a city she cannot afford with a native New Yorker's rather different path. Imogen Curtis- 40, idealistic, and a fool for New York- is thrown in multiple directions as she negotiates with the madness that is securing a place to live in Manhattan. At the same time, Ahmad's Bertesh's personal pain seizes upon the monstroust presence of ISIS as inspiration for avenging himself on a heartless city. Destinies finally collide in a remarkably non-violent way, with a cast of manic secondary characters, insight, and just enough secondary characters, insight, and just enough satire to emphasize the crazy of these lives and metropolis in 2014.
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I'm glad I have the honor of touring for this really awesome book! I hope you all pick it up before the holidays (while sales still last). Enjoy the holidays :D
After years in the South and several works of fiction set in his beloved Knoxville, Tennessee, Jack Mauro has returned to New York City. He has as well published a guide to Internet dating (Simon and Schuster, 2007), done extensive work for singer/songwriter Carly Simon, and a wide array of national magazine reviews and commentary. Mauro also reviews theater for StageBuddy.com, when he is not prowling the streets of the town he knows so well and captures in Imogen and ISIS.
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