Book #8: Into That Forest by Louis Nowra

Rating: 2/5
(Summary from goodreads)
Two girls survive a terrible flood in the Tasmanian bush and are rescued by a pair of Tasmanian tigers who raise them in the wild. Their story of survival is remarkable, as they adapt to the life of the tiger, learning to hunt and to communicate without the use of human language. When they are discovered and returned to civilization, neither can adapt to being fully human after their extraordinary experience. Totally believable, their story will both shock and captivate readers as it explores the animal instincts that lie beneath our civilized veneer and celebrates the ways of the tiger.
For me, this book started off a little bit slow. The anecdotal beginning was pleasant, yet very very elongated and was exhausting to read. All throughout the beginning of the book I was chanting, get to the action, get to the action. It was like the author had nothing else to write about and instead of getting straight to the point, the author wanted to give the entire back story. When I read the blurb, I was hoping for a thrilling, action-packed fighting scene between the main character and the tiger- I got none of that.
I also thought this book was very unrealistic at times. I mean, you get stranded in the wild and end up befriending a pair of Tasmanian tigers. The tiger is the largest cat species that is also known to be significantly dangerous when in contact with humans. Although this may not be true for all tiger species (as some of you animal aficionados would say), this is the perspective humans now have on tigers. We think of them as ferocious beasts who know nothing more than how to kill to survive. I would have at least expected the tigers in this book to put up a fight against both Hannah and Becky. It would had been nice to see some tiger taming action going on! I appreciate the author's attempt on trying to carry out this plot. It was creative and appealing.
The language/dialect used by the narrator throughout the book was totally driving me insane. Don't get me wrong, the author did a fantastic job. On the other hand, it just wasn't something I felt comfortable reading. The language definitely played a key role in how fast I finished the book. For the most part, it slowed me down and left me confuse at some points in the book.
Character Analysis
Hannah- Hannah added just the right amount of pizzazz to the story. She had every trait a leading protagonist needed- fearlessness, tenacity, and let's not forget that she was an animal lover. How much better could it get? Compared to Becky, she was not afraid to approach the two tigers. She was a... tiger whisperer. She spoke to the tigers as if she knew what they were saying.
Becky- Becky was sort of an annoyance. She had no faith in the tigers that were clearly, trying to save them. I guess that is just what is expected from most female characters these days. We longer portray strong and inspiring roles.
This review was very brief. I don't intend on finishing the book, but I will definitely be honest in my recommendations. Honestly, I didn't hate it! This book just didn't appeal to me as much as some of the other books I had read. I would highly recommend this book to any animal lovers and people who like sad stories. That's all I really have to say for this book. Not one of my favorites but please, check it out.
I also thought this book was very unrealistic at times. I mean, you get stranded in the wild and end up befriending a pair of Tasmanian tigers. The tiger is the largest cat species that is also known to be significantly dangerous when in contact with humans. Although this may not be true for all tiger species (as some of you animal aficionados would say), this is the perspective humans now have on tigers. We think of them as ferocious beasts who know nothing more than how to kill to survive. I would have at least expected the tigers in this book to put up a fight against both Hannah and Becky. It would had been nice to see some tiger taming action going on! I appreciate the author's attempt on trying to carry out this plot. It was creative and appealing.
The language/dialect used by the narrator throughout the book was totally driving me insane. Don't get me wrong, the author did a fantastic job. On the other hand, it just wasn't something I felt comfortable reading. The language definitely played a key role in how fast I finished the book. For the most part, it slowed me down and left me confuse at some points in the book.
Character Analysis
Hannah- Hannah added just the right amount of pizzazz to the story. She had every trait a leading protagonist needed- fearlessness, tenacity, and let's not forget that she was an animal lover. How much better could it get? Compared to Becky, she was not afraid to approach the two tigers. She was a... tiger whisperer. She spoke to the tigers as if she knew what they were saying.
Becky- Becky was sort of an annoyance. She had no faith in the tigers that were clearly, trying to save them. I guess that is just what is expected from most female characters these days. We longer portray strong and inspiring roles.
This review was very brief. I don't intend on finishing the book, but I will definitely be honest in my recommendations. Honestly, I didn't hate it! This book just didn't appeal to me as much as some of the other books I had read. I would highly recommend this book to any animal lovers and people who like sad stories. That's all I really have to say for this book. Not one of my favorites but please, check it out.
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