I am NOT taking review requests at the moment because of the overwhelming number of books I have to read. I have books to review until early May so if you'd like to work with me soon after that time, I'd be happy to read your request. Email me at thebooksbuzzblog (at) gmail (dot) com. Before emailing me please read the information down below as to what I can do for you and what I'm most interested in. I thank you in advance for having me in mind :D
By sending in a request for me to review your book, you must realize that I write 100% honest reviews. I can't ensure that I will write a 5-star review for your book before I've even read it. So please keep in mind of this fact before sending a request. I also am not paid to write any of the reviews on this site, and I will not accept money to write a positive review.
What I can do for you
- Book reviews (read below for more info)
- Author interviews (I love meeting and talking to new authors, so I'm very open to this option!)
- Guest posts (read below for more info)
- Giveaways (read below for more info)
- Post and promote your book on this site, my Booktube channel and on Instagram -
Book Reviews
If you're interested in having me review your book, please read the following information. I apologize in advance and can't take all requests because I have so many books to read at the moment. All of my reviews are honest and are based off of a scale of 5 stars. If I accept your request, I cannot ensure that a review will go up immediately. If it's an ARC, I will try to review it one month before or after the publication date.
Review Guidelines:
- Only Young Adult books - This is a mainly Young Adult book blog, please keep that in mind
- Sorry but I'm not taking self-published novels at the moment :(
- I enjoy reading in the genres of fantasy (mostly), science fiction, mystery/crime, dystopia and occasionally contemporary
- No erotica or nonfiction please
- I do take a particular interest in books that follow a diverse cast, own voices books and books centering around marginalized groups. If your book is diverse, I will also consider using it as the book of the month for my book club, Diversify the Verse. Only if you're interested in having us read it, of course!
I accept in paperback (ARC copy), hardcover (finished copy) and MOBI form (for my Kindle).
What to include in your email:
- Name of author
- Title of book you want me to review
- A summary with any author or book links
- Publication date
- Why you think your book is a good fit for the audience of this blog
- What well-known YA books your book is compared to (Optional: this well help me visualize what your book is like!)
Guest Posts
Anyone could write a guest post on my site! Get creative with your post!
How to apply:
- Name
- Why you want to write for The Book's Buzz
- I enjoy creativity and any ideas or fun activities for your posts are welcome. I will always help out with any ideas flowing inside your head!
If you're interested in hosting a giveaway on my site, then please read the info down below!
I do host giveaways on this site, and I'd be honored if you'd be interested in hosting one through me. The giveaway could be international or US only. I should not, however, be responsible for sending the items to the winners. I will set up a Rafflecopter widget for your giveaway but you must be responsible for sending the winner his/her prize when I give you their information. Another option would be for you to set up the Rafflecopter and send me the widget link! Whichever works best for you :D
Thank you for your interest in working with me! Blogging is all about collaborating, and I'd love the chance to work with you soon :D
Hi Alex, I'm the publicist with a YA imprint, and I'd like to connect with you about reviewing some of our titles. Can you email me? liane (dot) Worthington (at) HarperCollins (dot) com. Thanks so much and happy reading!