BLOG TOUR | Satellite by Nick Lake + Field Trip Around Earth

Title: Satellite
Author: Nick Lake
Pages: 464 pages
Release Date: October 3rd, 2017
Source: ARC from publisher
Genre: Young Adult, Science Fiction
A teenage boy born in space makes his first trip to Earth.

He’s going to a place he’s never been before: home.

Moon 2 is a space station that orbits approximately 250 miles above Earth. It travels 17,500 miles an hour, making one full orbit every ninety minutes. It’s also the only home that fifteen-year-old Leo and two other teens have ever known.

Born and raised on Moon 2, Leo and the twins, Orion and Libra, are finally old enough and strong enough to endure the dangerous trip to Earth. They’ve been “parented” by teams of astronauts since birth and have run countless drills to ready themselves for every conceivable difficulty they might face on the flight.

But has anything really prepared them for life on terra firma? Because while the planet may be home to billions of people, living there is more treacherous than Leo and his friends could ever have imagined, and their very survival will mean defying impossible odds.

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Hey everyone! I'm back with another blog tour to celebrate the release of Nick Lake's newest release, Satellite. This book takes follows a main character who takes his first trip to Earth! Usually science fiction books set in space are about characters born in Earth who travel to space, so I find it interesting that the author decided to write about a character born in space. In order to make Leo's trip as productive and awesome as possible, I thought I'd make a little guide to Earth for this week's post!

Field Trip Around Earth: Places To Visit
  • NYC, New York 
    • I might be a little biased since I live in NYC but non-residents and even some New Yorkers seem to think it's magical. The city is something that people have to experience themselves. You can't rely on a postcard of a photo on Google to give you the same feeling. 
  • Paris, France 
    • Paris is on my bucket list too! If there's one place in Europe that you're planning on visiting, Paris should be it. It's the capital France and houses some of the world's most famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and The Louvre museum. 
  • The Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia 
    • Visiting the GBR is the top activity on my bucket list. Better get a move on it because rising temperatures and the increasing acidity of the ocean threatens this massive coral reef structure and its inhabitants. Wether its scuba diving in some of the most well-known reefs or sunbathing on the white sand, there is a plethora of things to do when you arrive at one of the world's greatest wonders. 
  • Antelope Canyon, Arizona 
    • I personally believe that the Antelope Canyon beats The Grand Canyon. It's super underrated and most people only know about The Grand Canyon. I'm going to let the picture speak for itself... NATURE IS INCREDIBLE!  
  • Dean's Blue Hole, The Bahamas
    • I dreamed about going here as a little kid but now that I think about it, it looks kind of scary! I figured I would put this on the list so I could get the chance to live vicariously through you. Dean's Blue Hole is the world's second deepest known salt water blue hole. It's popular for freediving, which is a sport of competitive diving that relies on the swimmers ability to dive down as far as they can on a single breathe. When I was little, I was obsessed with learning how to freedive and often tried to see how long I could hold my breathe in the bathtub. It's a truly fascinating sport that you should try! 
  • Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge, China 
    • Nothing you learned in space will prepare you for this! A transparent glass bridge suspended 260 meters over the ground between two mountain cliffs, how cool! It's so terrifying that some people have to be dragged across the bridge in order to cross it. 
  • Highlands, Iceland
    • What better way to capture the beauty of the aurora borealis than visiting Iceland's highlands. Seeing the northern lights should be something on everybody's bucket list. Bet you've seen a lot of lights up in space, but nothing like this! 
  • Rice Terrace Fields in Mu Cang Chai, Vietnam 
    • There's something about repeating patterns in nature that is so appealing to the eye. I know you've been living in space for your entire life, so you're probably wondering how people on Earth grow their own food. On the slopes of the mountains, the people of Mu Cang Chai have created terraced fields that are leveled enough to grow rice. 
  • The Great Wall of China, China
    • One of China's greatest landmarks is their Great Wall, built and improved from the 14th to the 17th century A.D. Coming down to Earth will allow you to learn not only about the wonderful sights of nature but also about the history of our world. What better place to learn about the history of China than at its most recognizable symbol. Plus, how amazing would it be to walk on a raised fortification structure stretching 5,500 miles? 

Help Leo out! Any other places that you think he should visit on his first trip to Earth that I missed? 

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  1. Seeing the northern lights is definitely on my bucket list, and as exciting as the glass bridge seems, it's too scary for me! :D

    Tasya // The Literary Huntress

    1. i want to see the northern lights so badly. I heard trips to Iceland weren't so bad these days.


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