Introducing... MY NEW CO-BLOGGER | Say Hello

The Book's Buzz is about to undergo some serious changes. What better way to experience change than to have someone to share it with? I've been thinking about adding someone to share the site with but have had a little difficulty finding the right person. But... I think I've finally found "the one".


I don't know if you've noticed but this site has been pretty quiet these past few weeks. I would blame it on the amount of schoolwork and tests but that wouldn't be the case, since school ended on the 13th. I should be back in the game, but for some reason I haven't been able to get back on my own two feet. It's not that I've quit blogging. Oh heck no, that is not the case. It's more that I've been active on my other platforms and have since neglected my book-blogging duties. BUT NOWWW, FINALLY. I've found someone I can share the load with. I can talk to someone who isn't on a screen!! Just know that I love this site too much to see it come crashing down in flames. 

Who is Yingchao?

(Well, I'm gonna let her tell you herself)

Hello fellow bibliophiles!! As Alex mentioned earlier, my name is Yingchao and I will be the new co-blogger for The Book's Buzz. For the past year, I have been following Alex's Instagram (@thebooksbuzz), and recently, I have been following her posts on this blog. It is such an incredible honor for me to write for The Book's Buzz; Alex's work is so amazing and beautiful- I definitely have big footsteps to follow in.

I guess one of my biggest secrets (that I shall now reveal to the Internet) is that I didn't love reading when I was growing up. In fact, I despised reading until I was introduced to The Hunger Games in the 7th grade. This was the book that threw me into the world of young adult literature and for the past five years, it has been my personal goal to be Matilda and read every single book in the library. Impossible? Nope. Improbable? Yes. But obviously, you lovely readers on the Internet have an interest for books! I mainly read science fiction and fantasy -anything with a princess, intergalactic space travel, assassin, weapons, AND magic, I will devour- but I also love the occasion contemporary and memoir. Besides reading, I enjoy fashion and cosplay designing, practicing archery, and baking- OH and can't forget: spending endless hours on tumblr (follow me @rhys-and-feyre) c:

Writing for The Book's Buzz is a way for me to fangirl about my current reads and the written reviews will be a way for me to make my intangible thoughts and emotions about a novel into tangible, conceivable words. I am so extremely excited to be able to share my honest thoughts about the books I'm reading and if you ever want to talk more about a certain character *coughrhyscough* I'm your girl!

All the Love,
Your next door Internet bibliophile neighbor

Follow her!
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1. Dorian Havilliard (Throne of Glass), Tobias Eaton (Divergent)  and Edward Cullen (Twilight)

MARRY: Dorian BBY cinnamon roll
KISS: Edward Cullen
KILL: Tobias Eaton

2. Tamlin (A Court of Thorns and Roses), Voldemort (Harry Potter) and Valentine Morgenstern (The Mortal Instruments)

MARRY: Tamlin
KISS: Valentine (when he was younger)
KILL: Voldemort 

3. Simon Lewis (The Mortal Instruments), Etienne St. Clair (Anna and the French Kiss) and Carswell Thorne (The Lunar Chronicles)

MARRY: Etienne
KISS: Thorne
KILL: Simon (srrryyyy my smol cinnamon rollllll)

4. Gale Hawthorne (The Hunger Games), Liam (The Darkest Minds) and Magnus (Falling Kingdoms)

KISS: Magnus
KILL: Gale 

It will be less lonely around here, and I can finally feel like I'm talking to an actual person rather than to myself. I'm so excited to see what this collaboration will bring. I met Yingchao back in my freshman year at Bookcon! It was so exciting to see another person in my school as enthusiastic in books as I am. I guess that's what snapped for us, and I immediately sought her out to talk to her. I never would have imagined this happening and couldn't think of anyone that I trust more with keys to the site. Yingchao is the ultimate fangirl, and I could literally talk to her for hours on OTPs, the latest books in YA and Sarah J. Maas. I just wanted to say, welcome to the fam! 

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  1. Hi Yingchao! *waves* You do archery? That is so cool! I also want to marry Dorian but don't kill Simon *cries* I can't wait to get to know you better! :D

    1. HI TASYA!!!! :D *FLAILING ARMS* I practice archery occasionally (ITS SO CALMING AND RELAXING lol) and haha Dorian is my <3 I would never choose anyone over him but IM SO SORRY I DIDNT WANT TO KILL SIMON :'( that round was especially difficult *glances at Alex*

  2. Welcome Yingchao! I have been a fan of The Books Buzz since the very beginning and I am super excited for the next chapter in your blogging story!
    Marry, Kiss, Kill is a hard game, but you picked very well! I would definitely marry Dorian in a heartbeat too! (I would also have no qualms about killing Voldemort either).

    1. Hi Tessa!! thank you so much for your warm welcome :) I'm super excited to start writing posts (I already have a few ideas in mind hehehehe) and I can't wait for you to read them. Dorian is and always will be my bby (no trouble picking that one)

  3. Welcome, Yingchao!! I have known Alex and loved her blog since nearly the very beginning, and I'm so happy to see you joining her lovely site!! Best of luck in your co-bloggership! (That's totally a thing, not something I just made up!! ) ;)

    Rachel @ A Perfection Called Books

    1. HI RACHEL!! Thank you so much for your welcome :)) Alex's work is SO SPECTACULAR AND SO BEAUTIFUL, so I definitely have some high standards to meet! And 'co-bloggership' is TOTALLY a word that I'm gonna start using from now on ;)

  4. Hi Yingchao!!! I absolutely love Alex's blog, and I can't wait to see what brilliant things you'll add to it :) I would probably fail at those rounds of marry, kiss, kill (because I haven't read most of the books mentioned, I know I'm horrible), but I trust your judgment (mostly because Dorian is my favorite and you married him and just YES). Anyway, good luck with your coblogging and welcome to The Book's Buzz! - Alexandra @ Literary Legionnaire

    1. Hey A.J.!! It's GREATT to meet you! and I have to say, Alex creates some reallly difficult Marry, Kiss, Kills questions haha Some of them had me stumped for a good few minutes >.< It's so awesome meeting another Dorian fan because it seems that everyone is still either Chaol or now Rowan, but no! I will still ship Doraelin until Sarah makes Rowaelin endgame, and even then I will ship Doraelin because the two of them are so freakin compatible haha

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