The Story Behind My Blog Name + How to Choose a Name

A lot of people always ask me why I decided to name my blog The Book's Buzz. My name isn't as creative and unique as some other sites, but I love the connotation of my site's name. First off, it sounds very kawaii (cute in Japanese) and I love how alliterative it sounds. Well I've just about had enough with people asking me. I think it's time I tell a great story... 

Do I love bees?

Because 'buzz' is usually associated with bees, people always believe I have some sort of special admiration for bees. In this case, that theory is a total misconception. I, in fact, don't like bees at all. I don't like them. I don't hate them because I am aware of how vital they are to this planet and just vegetation in general. Have you ever watched the Bee Movie? That movie is an exact representation of what the world would look like without bees. 

I get so annoyed when bees are buzzing in my ear. I think it's the most irritating sound out of all the most irritating sounds in the world. I'm the kind of person that swats at the bee until it goes away or move to a different spot. In the summer, I wear bright sundresses, floral print tops, and vividly patterned skirts. Let's just say, I attract the bees! So no, I don't have some crazy obsession with bees that inspired the name for my blog.

The story behind my name is inspired by the act of fangirling and how we, as booklovers, love to share what we read with the world. I compared it to the buzzing of bees. It sort of took me a while to fall in love with the name, but I did in the end. 

(Horrible) Names I Thought of B4 Picking 'The Book's Buzz'

Name Choosing Process

Choosing a name is perhaps the hardest aspect of creating a website/blog. You don't want to be a flake, as I call it. A flake is someone who jumps from one name to another in only a matter of months after coming up with their first one. It's annoying to your viewers and especially to yourself. Imagine changing your Bloglovin, Goodreads, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter bios just because you can't come up with a damn name! Everything is interconnected and if you decided to change one thing, it has to be changed on every other platform it's been registered on. It's insanity! 

Choosing a name you like as well as one that make sense is vital. You want a name that can be the base to memes, punny event names, creative usernames, and etc. So for example my blog's name is The Book's Buzz. If I wanted to run an event for New Years, I would simply call it 'Buzzing Through the New Year...' 

How to Choose a Name?

  • Don't go blog hopping. Blog hopping exposes you to the names of other blogs. This is not a good thing. Don't act like you're just gathering inspiration for your name. Trust me, you'll be tempted to steal names or do something similar (that it's going to be obvious).
  • What are your likes? Unlike me, you can name your blog after something you love. If you like coffee go for something like 'The Over-Caffeinated Reader' or 'The Book Bean-ery' 
  • Puns are always welcome. Using puns in a name brings a smile to people's faces. Make it an easy pun to recognize though. You don't want your viewers to be staring at your name forever and wondering what in the hell it means. 
  • Make it related to what you plan on discussing. If you want to blog about books don't name your blog 'The Empty Bathtub'. That's just going to confuse people when they refer to you because they're not going to know what you're talking about -- bathrooms or books? (especially if bathtub is in there lol). 
  • Be creative. Name-choosing is in the eye of the beholder and it should reflect some part of you.
  • Get advice. Make a list of names for your friends and family to read. Let them vote on what they like best. 

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  1. This is a good post. I didn’t put much thought into my blog’s name. It was kind of an in-the-moment decision. That’s not a great way to name a blog.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. But I still love your name <3 It really doesn't seem like a name you'd think of atm but when someone asks about why you choose it, you don't have an explanation lmfao!

  2. I was kind of a flake before I landed on this blog name, but I really didn't advertise it until I was sure I found something I would stick with! This is all very good advise, though.

    And you're right, I totally thought you loved bees hahah.

    1. That's totally fine! I just meant that if ya start branding with your blog name, you want to make sure that it's something you're going to stick with.

      Haha OMG for reals? A lot of people always ask me teehee.

  3. This is a great post! I totally agree that picking a name for my blog was the most difficult part. I was super lucky to have a really creative friend to brainstorm with. I never though about going back once I named it though! By the way, I hate bees! ;)

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. Yeah omg I'm so jelly of your name. Also the design of your site goes so well with how clean and simple the name is. I also wouldn't be surprised if people hated bees :O

  4. This is so true! My first name was Confessions of a Book Addict, and although I still like it, I find it's too long, and really inconvenient to type. Lots of people have similar names too! My blog name is The Bibliolater, which I like (because my blog is obviously about books), though a bibliolater is also someone who studies the bible. Maybe I should have done a tad more research! XD

    Denise | The Bibliolater

    1. Really? I actually did not know that but I agree that it's so easy to say and so much shorter. It's also quite cute and I thought it was just a combination of bibliophile and eater.

  5. I didn't realise how much thought goes into a blog name until I was sat for days trying to come up with one that I liked! Once it hit though I was over the moon :D I haven't changed it since and don't intend to (waaaaay too much work and I like it anyways) because I've also been able to use the word 'enchanted' in other related things like my etsy shop so there's the link connecting my little piece of the internet <3
    Enchanted by YA

    1. Okay I absolutely love your name. I don't know if you've realized this but there are actually two ways to interpret your blog name. You could either think of it as Enchanted by YA (the book genre Young Adults) or Enchanted by Ya (slang for you). OMG Isn't that so adorable? I love it so much!

  6. I love the name The Books Buzz! It's a really memorable one. That's also really interesting and fun about your reason behind it. I like the whole connection to fangirling. You also gave some good tips! I spent a whole month before I even made my blog brainstorming on a name and I actually ended up choosing the name while at comic con. I am a total geek in real life and I love to read. :)

    1. Your site's name is so simple and yet no one in the blogosphere has it! Also your design goes so well and it's too cute :3

      Thanks for reading ;D

  7. Not going to lie "Under the Covers" made me lol. My mom helped me name my blog XD

    1. I wish I could have asked people for help with my name. At the time I made my blog I was actually an introvert and I didn't tell anyone I was making it. I was scared my parents were going to stop me and my friends we going to make fun of me because as they said 'no one reads blogs'. I'm glad I have the support of my fellow blogger friends!


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