START OF The Gena Showalter Project

As you all know, I started a Jennifer L. Armentrout project earlier in the year. Today marks the announcement of another project that I will be trying to (hopefully) complete. If you're not familiar with any of these projects, it's basically where I try to read all the books an author has published. There's no time limit but I would at least like to accomplish this before I die :D It's ambitious, but hey, how will you get through life without being ambitious!

The whole idea of these projects is to finish all of an author's works. You can choose any author you want, if you choose to recreate this challenge on your blog. It's a fun way to finish all the books of your favorite author!

If you didn't see my previous post on Gena Showalter, click here!

Books in blue= already read but don't have a review for
Books in green= read and linked to reviews 

  1. Alice in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles #1, 2012) 
  2. Through the Zombie Glass (The White Rabbit Chronicles #2, 2013) 
  3. The Queen of Zombie Hearts (The White Rabbit Chronicles #3, 2014) 
  4. A Mad Zombie Party (The White Rabbit Chronicles #4, 2015) 
  5. Kat in Zombieland (The White Rabbit Chronicles #4.1, 2015)
  6. Firstlife (The Everlife Series #1, 2016) 
  7. The One You Want (The Original Heartbreakers #0.5, 2014) 
  8. The Closer You Come (The Original Heartbreakers #1, 2015) 
  9. The Hotter You Burn (The Original Heartbreakers #2, 2015) 
  10. The Harder You Fall (The Original Heartbreakers #3, 2015) 
  11. Wicked Nights (Angels of the Dark #1, 2012) 
  12. Beauty Awakened (Angels of the Dark #2, 2013) 
  13. Burning Dawn (Angels of the Dark #3, 2014) 
  14. Last Kiss Goodnight (Otherworld Assassin #1, 2012) 
  15. Black and Blue (Otherworld Assassin #2, 2013) 
  16. The Darkest Fire (Lords of the Underworld #0.5, 2008) 
  17. The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld #1, 2008) 
  18. The Darkest Kiss (Lords of the Underworld #2, 2008) 
  19. The Darkest Pleasure (Lords of the Underworld #3, 2008) 
  20. The Darkest Prison (Lords of the Underworld #3.5, 2009)
  21. The Darkest Whisper (Lords of the Underworld #4, 2009)
  22. The Darkest Angel (Lords of the Underworld #4.5, 2013)
  23. The Darkest Passion (Lords of the Underworld #5, 2010) 
  24. The Darkest Lie (Lords of the Underworld #6, 2010)
  25. The Darkest Secret (Lords of the Underworld #7, 2011)
  26. The Darkest Surrender (Lords of the Underworld #8, 2011)
  27. The Darkest Seduction (Lords of the Underworld #9, 2012) 
  28. The Darkest Craving ( Lords of the Underworld #10, 2013) 
  29. The Darkest Touch (Lords of the Underworld #11, 2014)
  30. The Darkest Torment (Lords of the Underworld #12, 2016) 
  31. Awaken Me Darkly (Alien Huntress #1, 2005) 
  32. Enslave Me Sweetly (Alien Huntress #2, 2006)
  33. Savor Me Slowly (Alien Huntress #3, 2007)
  34. Seduce the Darkness (Alien Huntress #4, 2009)
  35. Tempt Me Eternally (Alien Huntress #4.5, 2009)
  36. Ecstasy in Darkness (Alien Huntress #5, 2010)
  37. Dark Taste of Rapture (Alien Huntress #6, 2011) 
  38. Red Handed (Young Adult Alien Huntress #1, 2007)
  39. Blacklisted (Young Adult Alien Huntress #2, 2013)
  40. Intertwined (Intertwined #1, 2009)
  41. Unraveled (Intertwined #2, 2010)
  42. Twisted (Intertwined #3, 2011)
  43. Untitled (Intertwined #4, 2017)
  44. Playing With Fire (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #1, 2006) 
  45. Twice as Hot (Tales of an Extraordinary Girl #2, 2010) 
  46. Heart of the Dragon (Atlantis #1, 2005)
  47. Jewel of Atlantis (Atlantis #2, 2006) 
  48. The Nymph King (Atlantis #3, 2007)
  49. The Vampire's Bride (Atlantis #4, 2009)
  50. The Amazon's Curse (Atlantis #5, 2009) 
  51. The Stone Prince (Imperia #1, 2004)
  52. The Pleasure Slave (Imperia #2, 2005)
  53. Animal Instincts (2007)
  54. Catch a Mate (2007)
  55. Oh My Goth (2006) 
  56. Lord of the Vampires (Royal House of Shadows #1, 2011)
  57. Lord of Rage (Royal House of Shadows #2, 2011)
  58. Lord of the Wolfyn (Royal House of Shadows #3, 2011)
  59. Lord of the Abyss (Royal House of Shadows #4, 2011)

As you can see, I've got a lot to go! I'm definitely excited to read more of Gena Showalter because she's one of my favorite authors and her books are so easy to get into. I actually just purchased some Gena Showalter books online, so I can't wait to post a haul of those! Stay tuned and you can always keep track of my challenge on the sidebar. I think I'm missing a few, but I tried to add all the books she's ever written. In reading all these books, I hope to be the ultimate Gena Showalter fan! 

Peep, it's Jennifer L. Armentrout too!

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  1. Wow Gena Showalter wrote 59 BOOKS?! Amazing author! I write, too, but I only happened to ever complete just 2 novels hahaha. Anyway, I absolutely love your projects Alex; you're supporting the authors, and I think this is a great idea, despite how difficult it may be. I hope you complete this soon, though it might take years to do so. And best of luck with finishing it as well :D

    Jillian @ Jillian's Books

    1. I think she wrote more haha that I don't know about! YES IK U WRITE AND YOU'RE AN AMAZING WRITER! It's going to be difficult, true, but I consider it nothing more than a TBR.

  2. This is such a wonderful idea! I may have to do this, but I am not sure what author I would pick. I will have to think on this. Good luck!

    1. Thanks Kay! I know it is a struggle picking the author but I just love her writing so much!

  3. You met Jennifer L. Armentrout and Gena Showalter? I'm so jealous! I'd give anything to meet these authors! I'll be looking forward to your reviews on her books :)

    ~Erika @ Books, Stars, Writing. And Everything In Between.

    1. Haha. They come to NY a lot! OMG Thanks for reading and glad to meet a fellow fan of this dynamic duo.

  4. What an awesome challenge. I love Gena Showalter and I need to finish her books. I just read my first JLA book recently and I need to read more of hers as well.

    1. They make such a good pair right? I'd be surprised if they didn't collaborate on something in the future. Thanks for reading :D

  5. Holy this author is like a mystical writing beast! 59 books?! That's incredible. I wish you the best of luck on your project. UGH BY THE WAY, JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT IS QUEEN. I love her Lux series, I have to read more of her for sure.

    1. Thanks so much girl! Yes definitely try Don't Look Back or White Hot Kiss. OMG SOO GOOD I SWEAR :3

  6. I legit adore The White Rabbit Chronicles. It's so ridiculous and over the top and yet SO ADDICTING. I have the fourth book waiting to be devoured. B/c of an event that happened at the end of the 3rd book *ahem cough*, I'm a little worried, but I trust Showalter. ALSO, I did not know there was a Kat In Zombieland it a novella?

    I approve of this project, Alex. Carry on.

    1. YES IKR! I'm so hesitant to pick up the fourth in case she does it again... It is a novella I believe and I'm definitely going to pick it up too because you know why...

      And OMG if you loved TWBC you should read her Intertwined series. It's legit even better.

  7. Wow! Gena gives you LOTS of books to read! Have fun with your challenge!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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