It's Blogtober!

Happy October everyone! This month there comes a special event that all bloggers should be participating in to celebrate the creepy and dark month of October. Let's have a fun time this month together as the blogging community comes together to dress up for Halloween. Oh no, you're not the one dressing up. That's right, your blog is going to get dressed up this time around. 

Ever heard of dressing up your blog?

I used to do this a lot when holiday time came around. I used to edit my header so that it would match the season and/or holiday. Do you notice anything different with my header now? I'm sure you do because I've completely redesigned it for Halloween. Oh don't worry, it'll be back to its original form when the season is over but for now, I think it suits the site. I had a ton of fun redesigning the header and its really simple, I promise. 

1. Go to to start editing and keep it in a tab on the side 

2. Go to another tab and go to your blog. Save your original header so you have the old one to change back to and also a new one to edit. I am assuming you have knowledge of how to change header photos back and forth. 

3. Go back to picmonkey and open up your header. Then go to google and download some png overlays or just use the premade overlays for Halloween on the site already. Start placing them where you would like until you're satisfied with the look. 

Here's how my header turned out in the end...

I replaced the bee for this creepy and huge pumpkin. Kind of sad that we don't see the bee anymore, but I must keep in mind that it's only going to last for this month! I found all overlays on Google so you can find them there too if you just know what to look up. 

And to participate in Blogtober all you have to do is go to someone else's blog and give them a nice trick or treat. Tell them a joke or even compliment their site. Anything that'll help you spread the love and joy of Halloween time on the Blogosphere! 

Are you decorating for Blogober? 

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  1. I won't be decorating because I'm not really doing anything halloweenish in general and I always fail at picmonkey, but I love your new header!

  2. Haha thank! Yeah finally someone understands. Picmonkey is easy to use and all but I'm so OCD that I always spend like hours on it and it never ends up looking good!

  3. I probably won't decorate for Halloween since I don't really celebrate it and because I can't get on PicMonkey (no laptop D:) but yours looks super AMAZING! :D

    1. Thanks Cari :D OMG lmfao yeah Picmonkey sucks anyway on my computer and it works better on my Mac so the struggles of a booknerd and graphic design person thingy lmfao :P

  4. Alex, where do you find all the awesome FREE overlays and what-not? I love the pumpkin it's so cute, but I'm not just talking about Halloween ones. You always have cute overlays and your skills are just phenomenal. Especially those Cinder posts from before.

    Christy and I aren't changing the header, but we do have a spooky post coming up we'd like to use some awesome overlays with :)

    1. I can't wait to see it OMG! I get most of my overlays from Google and just type in Scary halloween overlays. The Cinder one was mostly photoshop and stuff and I can't wait t edit my photo of Cress.


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