Fears All Book Lovers Have

BuzzFeed recently did a post on 23 Irrational Fears All Book Lovers Have. I definitely had to follow up on their post and write my own, based on it. I do have some of the fears mentioned in their post, but for the rest I mostly thought of them from my own experiences. What fears do all book lovers have? Do you have any of these fears? 

1. Walking into a bookstore and not being able to find the book that you specifically came there for. 
I'm not going to deny that at times when I go into Barnes and Noble looking for a book that's been on my bucket-list for years, I usually don't find it. And it get's me aggravated because then I go and buy other books that I don't even need and haven't been wanting to read. It's like diving into a sea of books: You just don't know when you're head is going to pop out on the surface. 

2. Spending sacred reading hours on what will end up being the WORST book you've ever read. WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT SHIT? (directly from BuzzFeed). 
23 Irrational Fears All Book Lovers Have
I hate when I spend at least two sittings reading a book that, in the end, just ends up going on my top 10 list of worst books ever. I'm always scared when getting into a new book because I don't know whether I'll like it or not. And the worst is when I end up hating the book in the end and it took me days to read! 

3. Lending a book to your friend and it comes back in horrible condition. 
Finding out another friend is an actual monster when they return a book to you in horrible condition.
I actually don't let people borrow my books, but I just thought this photo was hilarious! 

4. Getting trapped somewhere and realizing you don't have any reading material. (directly from BuzzFeed) 
Getting trapped somewhere and not having any reading material on hand. And feeling claustrophobic because as a result, minutes will feel like eons and WHY DIDN'T I JUST BRING A DAMN BOOK?
I don't go anywhere without my books, not the gym, pizzeria, school, or even the bathroom. Because yes, why not? I read books in the bathroom and I'm so not ashamed of that! Don't you just feel so lost without your books? 

5. Having to put a glorious book down because of 'real life' interruptions. (directly from BuzzFeed) 
Wait what's real life and what's not reality xD? There are times when I'm so into a book and just in the zone, but then I get called to either take out the garbage or do my homework. I swear, 60% of the time that's how I don't finish books as fast as I can. 

6. Having a book hangover once you've finished a fantastic book, and you can't seem to pick up another book to read. 
The Throne of Glass series. The Throne of Glass series will give you an extremely huge book hangover because it's that awesome, and it leaves such a lasting effect on your life. Great books are the ones that make you think long after you've finished reading it. 

7. Scared that you soon won't have enough shelves to fit all your books. You'll need new ones and that means you'll have to go to the store and show your face, and spend even more money! (directly from BuzzFeed) 
23 Irrational Fears All Book Lovers Have
This fear is actually more recent since I have no more room for books and they're starting to pile up on my sofa. Praise the lord, please someone please make a magical bookcase appear in my room. I just know a lot of people struggle with this and if it were up to me, BOOKSHELVES SHOULD BE FREE! 

8.Never finding someone who will obsess over a series with you. WHY WON'T YOU CRY WITH ME? (directly from BuzzFeed) 
23 Irrational Fears All Book Lovers Have
I'm still finding someone to fangirl about the Rebel Belle series by Rachel Hawkins with me. If you know this series and love it as much as I do, please IM or message me and we'll have lots of fun talking all about it. And of course, fangirling over David! 

9. Panicking when you realize your love life will never mirror your OTP's love life. (directly from BuzzFeed) 
Panicking when you realize your own love life will never perfectly mirror your literary OTP's.
Please Chaol Westfall, be with me! It's not that I don't love my charming BF, but why can't he also be a Captain of the Guard like the infamous Chaol Westfall. And I would be Celaena Sardothien, a highly trained assassin. Ohh how I love OTPS. 

10. Being terrified that your favorite book will be released as a horrible film and your entire perception of the universe itself will change. 
23 Irrational Fears All Book Lovers Have
#readthebook definitely stands to be true. I remember when they made The Vampire Academy book into a movie. I honestly hate the movie... but please don't kill me! PLEASE DONT! I'M SORRY IF YOU'VE LOVED IT!

11. When your favorite author publishes the next book in a series that literally destroys you and is not favorable to how you wanted it to end. (suggested by my bestie, Killian @ Leaf On the Breeze.)
Let's just say this has happened more than a few times in my lifetime, and I actually forgot about this one like an idiot. I'm not gonna say which author... but you know who you are!! 

Do you have any irrational fears about books? Please share and tell me which of these fit you the most? 

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  1. "Walking into a bookstore and not being able to find the book that you specifically came there for. " lol, I always end up finding more then what I specifically came there for ... it's a problem, my shelf is overflowing.

    - Melissa from http://melissasbooksaroundtheworld.blogspot.ca/

    1. Thank you for reminding me about that! I totally forgot that I always come out of a bookstore with more than what I needed to find.

  2. LOOL at this post, I like how funny it is. I agree the most with #1 and #8 xD Great post! <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

    1. #1 is probably the most common on this list. Well #8, that's actually very interesting :D

  3. Omgsh, yes. All of these! I hate wasting time on bad books when there are so many amazing ones I have not read yet, book hangovers are the worst, and why do I have to waste time eating and going to the bathroom when I'm in the middle of reading an awesome book? Lol. Nice list!

    Pearl @ AsteriskPearl's Book Blog

    1. They should create like a toilet e-reader, even though that sounded better in my head :P

  4. I DEFINITELY feel a lot of these fears! Especially #6. and as far as #7, I always feel like I need another bookshelf, it's gotten so bad! But, I promised myself no more until I move, because its a bitch to move books and bookshelves too. I think I'm going to have to get rid of a lot of books in the next few months, just so I can move realistically I know I don't think I'll ever read a lot of the books I have . :D

    1. Ohh golly, you're moving. Must be a nice experience. Do give me the new address so I could spam your mail with books >_<

  5. I FREAKIN LOVE THRONE OF GLASS!! I already know none of my real relationships will ever match up to those of my OTP. I'll neverbe kickass enough and he'll never be as perfect and ahh those book hangovers!! Oh and bad movies too. I'm literally dreading Insurgent this Thursday.

    The Life of Little Me

    1. Me and you, me and you!! Im going to watch Insurgent too gahhhh I'm so excited!!!

  6. Yes to all of these especially number two. I'd feel totally cheated and I had to struggle through the pages just to finish it.

  7. I definitely relate to a good few of these. I honestly hate walking into a bookshop (or record store) and not being able to find the book you were looking for. What's even worse is when you spend ages looking in different bookshops and you still can't find it.

    I also relate to number eight loads. I love the Mortal Engines series by Philip Reeve yet seemingly no one else does. They're one of my favourite YA series yet nobody I know, in real life or in the blogging community, seems to have either heard of them or read them.

    I think you could also add another one to the list: Being terrified that your favourite author will release a book that totally destroys everything they've ever done because it's so awful.

    Lastly, thumbs up for the Pink Floyd reference in the picture for number one!

    Killian @ http://leaf-on-the-breeze.blogspot.ie/

    1. Killian, that's a great one! Wow I hadn't thought long enough to get that one on the list. I'll for sure add that one on there ASAP! There was an author that ruined me with the last book in the series.. don't want to say because it's spoilery.

  8. I HATE wasting my time on stupid books. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS. I hate when I'm trapped without reading material... It seems so unproductive. Haha #10 has already happened to me. TMI. *cries* Awesome post, I love it ;)

    1. Thanks Rachel! #10 is the worst of the worst xD

  9. Number one is my biggest issue, it's like put a knife in my heart why don't you?

    1. Same. I always start sweating in bookstores because I don't get a lot of time there since my parents are annoyed with me going like everyday!! And I can just never find the book so pick up a random one and tell my parents that its the book I've always wanted lmfao!

  10. AMEN to free bookshelves!! Free bookshelves to everyone! Seriously though, I'm having that problem right now, I'm out of room and I'm double stacking and I hate that because I don't like to hide any of my babies. Erica, just got me Rebel Belle so hopefully I can read it soon and we can fangirl :)

    P.S. *whispers* I didn't care too much for the VA movie either.

    1. Haha Yay for Rebel Belle!

      *whispers* I'm glad I'm not alone :D ;)


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