Alex Assists: Book Recommendations

The title of this post does sound kind of corny, and that's coming from a person who's been reciting it for at least 20 times today. But anywho, today I am going to be assisting you in my top book recommendations of 2014. In a reading slump and looking for just the book to get you up and at'em? You've come to the right place! Warning: These books are not placed in any order whatsoever
From Left to Right Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins, Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter, Doomed by Tracy Deebs, Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson, Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout, The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan, The Alchemyst by Michael Scott, The Program by Suzanne Young, Let's Get Lost by Adi Alsaid, The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings, Timebound by Rysa Walker.

Join in on the fun! If you have a book recommendation for me, why not share it? Let's not forget that these aren't all of my recommendations, just a few favorites. Thanks for visiting :D 

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  1. Cool idea. I wouldn't mind doing something like this. Rebel Belle is definitely on my next to buy list!

    1. Wow it's been quite some time since I've read that book but definitely a must read. Thanks for stopping by :D

  2. Yay for The Lightning Thief and The Alchemyst. It's so refreshing to see them. Fangirl and Obsidian are so awesome too. Maybe I'd check out Steelheart. I keep hearing about how good Brandon Sanderson is. :)

  3. I've been searching for a good book to read this whole week. Thank god you recommended these!

  4. *nods head to Nicolas Flamel & Percy Jackson*

  5. I am kind of curious about some of these. I own Let's Get Lost, and I'm just waiting for a time when I'm not so busy with reviews to actually read it. I also am contemplating picking up The Lightning Thief the next time I go on a book hunt. It's been on my TBR list forever, but I own way too many books that I haven't read yet... Oh, and I need The Program. I've been wanting to read that for so long now, but it was never in any store near me, so it looks like an online order.

    As for recommendations... Right now, I'm reading an ARC of Damsel Distressed by Kelsey Macke, and it is so good! It's a Cinderella retelling from the POV of the stepsister and Cinderella is the mean girl in the story. I'm loving every second of it, and basically telling everyone to read it because it is just one of those books that is needed in the YA genre.

    1. The Lightning Thief? OMG OMG OMG OMG YOU HAVE TO READ IT NOW!!! And The Program too, one of the best books in my life. As for the recommendation, I'll give it a go because I need to read more retellings. I haven't read any so far...


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